Population Age Creates Greater Employment Opportunity

There is no doubt that advancements in medical science have helped create longer human life expectancies. This has led to more people living longer but also needing a greater amount of medical care in later years. And, although this creates a great deal of opportunity for people with specialized medical skills, opportunities abound for professionals with business administration skills. More managers are in demand to run and oversee a variety of healthcare programs and facilities than at any other time in history.

More than Nursing
Healthcare jobs are the number one leading employment provider in the nation according to the US Department of Labor. There are more than 14 million healthcare jobs nationwide with about more than 40 percent of the healthcare management jobs found at hospitals. However, many management positions do not appear in all of the traditional medical-related fields. A great deal of the present and future positions will be found with companies and organizations advocating senior patient care rights or better preventative programs that lead to healthier and longer-lived lives.

Research Shows an Older America
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) prepared a report for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at the US Department of Health and Human Services provides the picture of national health as increasingly taking on a more mature appearance and a greater active role in maintaining a healthier existence during the “golden years.” The aging of the “Baby Boomer” generation – the largest senior population ever – is a huge voice demanding a greater amount of diverse medical services including wellness and nutrition programs that needs qualified administration. Beyond hospital administration, the second largest source – and need – for healthcare management employment is in nursing and senior residential care facilities. Also, due to the aging of America, many support-related companies providing everything from senior non-emergency transportation to organized senior exercise programs seek to employ properly educated and trained professional managers specializing in senior-focused knowledge and skills.

Increased Education Opportunities
Although healthcare management education has long been an available and valued component for many traditional learning institutions, more opportunities are becoming available with the growing demand industry-wide for trained managers in senior healthcare programs and facilities. The DOL predicts that the greatest amount of new and higher paid management positions in the next decade will be in healthcare where a great percentage is for senior-related programs and facilities. If individuals wish to take advantage of the upcoming boom in healthcare management opportunities, you need to enroll, now, in an accredited quality healthcare management education program – either through traditional schools or the many qualified – and conveniently accessible – online healthcare management education resources.

Find a School

Healthcare management education is offered at most major universities; there are also many schools that specialize in senior healthcare management courses of study. These train prospective students for careers requiring a specifically focused course of senior healthcare management including insurance, planning, advocacy and other non-traditional management needs that exist in such areas as hospice care. There also exists opportunities for trained professionals managing senior health-related recreational programs that go a long way toward keeping lifelong – and fun.