How to Negotiate a Raise as a Healthcare Administrator

Although you more than likely received at the pay increase once you received your MHA degree, after being in your new position for quite some time you feel as if you need to be compensated little bit better. Now, the prospects for some might give them a little bit of a queasy feeling in the stomach and thinking about asking the boss for a raise, but unless you’re in a situation where you have automatic and scheduled pay increases, you’re more than likely going to have to pass one on your own. Follow some of these tips when you find yourself at the point of negotiation to gain better compensation as a healthcare administrator.

There are Industry Limitations
Hopefully, you are not working in one of those stiffly regimented areas in the healthcare industry like a hospital or a public health agency, which are incredibly notorious sticking to strict personnel compensation policies. Often, in situations like this or in government employment the only way possible to gain better compensation is through a promotion. This was probably one of the motivating factors earlier in your career when you decided to pursue an advanced degree. You may want to check with your human resources department about opportunities for investment within your same line of work that will lead to greater compensation. Keep in mind that with greater compensation comes greater responsibility and possibly a greater amount of work.

Changing Jobs for Better Compensation
Often, when you’re facing a situation where you presently work that leads to a dead end with regards to salary increases, you may need to seek other employment opportunities at different organizations. This is the best time to negotiate their salary. This is one have an opportunity to make a presentation supporting your salary requests. Make sure to have documentation attesting to your experience and success as tools used for your salary demands. Always be confident. However, you must be realistic, such on a dual homework ahead of time knowing what salary range is a workable request.

You Have to Know the Facts
You’ll need to make sure you propel yourself when asking for a raise at a place where you’re working. Sometimes, employees really believe that they are underpaid. You can determine this by gathering enough regional information about salaries paid for position similar to yours. This kind of information is usually available through professional organizations to which you belong. You can also conduct Internet searches using a variety of different sites that will make comparisons for salaries earned throughout your geographic area in the type of position for which you were. Armed with this type of information, you will be putting your employer on the spot to give you an answer why you were compensated less than your colleagues doing the same job in the same market.

Remember, it is About You
Whenever you ask for a raise, remember the entire negotiation process centers upon you. Therefore, it is important to come to the negotiation table with your own company history that would include a list of all your accomplishments, any initiatives that you created, and whatever results you have achieved. Don’t overlook presenting any positive feedback that you receive from colleagues, clients, patients, business associates and others. If your actions have received any local press, make sure to include these clippings.

Call for a Meeting
Once you prepare yourself with all the necessary personal facts and figures, ask the person who would be responsible for giving you a raise to meet with you. Don’t say you want to meet to discuss a pay increase but rather asked them to take a meeting with you so you can discuss some career related topics. Don’t be too seriously asked for the meeting about your career related issues because your supervisor might think that your intention is to resign. When you do get to the meeting stage, asked for a specific dollar amount in back it up with reasoning why you should receive this amount. Never leave it vague and open-ended. Be prepared to elaborate about the whys for receiving the specific pay increase for which you are asking including sharing with your supervisor all the salary data research recently gathered. After you met with your supervisor, provide him or her as well as your human resources department with a written summary of your requests in the topics discussed during your meeting. Never make a written request for a raise. Always remember to maintain a positive demeanor because either the granting or denial of your pay increase request is a business decision that you should never take personally. Never display any kind of defensive or hostile posturing.

Asking for a Raise is an Important Business Action
Although asking for a raise may be one of the toughest things you ever attempted to do, it is also a move that speaks volumes about who you are. Asking for a raise tell your employer that you are interested in the business. It indicates that you have plans for your future on the job and that you are making plans to advance. It also tells you employer that you have certain strengths and abilities allowing you to articulate ideas about how you fit in with the company. And, if for some reason your request is denied, which again is a business decision, not a personal one, this may compel your supervisor to view you in a different light that might provide you with certain conditions and benefits that will keep you happy since he or she realizes that you are a true professional and assets of the organization.