
Healthcare Management Salary: How Much Will I Earn with an MHA?

Still debating whether or not a Masters of Healthcare Administration degree is worth the investment? Consider this. In a highly competitive job market, a master’s degree will help you stand out from the competition. It will prove that you have the skills, dedication and acumen it takes to command the senior level executive positions that […]

Getting an MHA Degree for the Salary Boost

According to the American College of Healthcare Executives, demand for individuals with a Master’s in Healthcare Administration is on the steady rise – along with the salaries compensating individuals who have the necessary experience and education to fill many senior level management positions. The average salary for entry level management is approximately $50,000 where middle […]

How to Negotiate a Raise as a Healthcare Administrator

Although you more than likely received at the pay increase once you received your MHA degree, after being in your new position for quite some time you feel as if you need to be compensated little bit better. Now, the prospects for some might give them a little bit of a queasy feeling in the […]

Healthcare Administration Equals a Good Career with Good Pay

Not every person interested in healthcare as a profession is cut out to wear the white doctor’s coat or the nurse’s scrubs. Some people get queasy at the site of blood, vomit and needles. For these individuals a career as a healthcare administrator may be just what the doctor ordered. Who are Healthcare Administrators? Healthcare […]