Considering a degree in Healthcare Administration?

Considering a degree in Healthcare Administration?

According to the US Department of Labor, healthcare will generate 3.2 million jobs between 2008 and 2018, more than any other industry, largely in response to rapid growth in the eldery population.

Why Accreditation for Degree Programs Matters?

What is accreditation? Accreditation bodies are organizations that audit a school’s ability to deliver quality programs. In the US, accreditation bodies are typically private peer-reviewed organizations while in other parts of the world, government agencies may serve as accreditation bodies. Once a school gains accreditation, they will still need to be reviewed every few years […]

Obtaining a Healthcare Management Degree through Online Education

Today’s technology provides many busy people the opportunity to seek a healthcare management degree online. However, there are numerous choices out there and you need to thoroughly examine any program before you decide to enroll. There are certain aspects you need to discover such as a program’s accreditation, where graduates find employment, what the costs […]

Considering a Degree in Healthcare Administration?

The future of healthcare management has never looked more promising. Healthcare is one of the largest industries in the US, and ten of the twenty fastest growing occupations are in the health industry. In 2008, healthcare provided over 14 million jobs for wage and salary workers. (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The healthcare industry offers high […]

Healthcare Management Supports Primary Caregivers

Everyone having a cursory thought about healthcare careers typically conjures up images of doctors and nurses busily setting about helping people with their medical needs. However, there exists an incredible behind-the-scenes workforce that labors tirelessly in support of any primary caregivers making sure that all aspects of health services get delivered effectively and smoothly. Many […]

If You Want the Career, Get a Master’s Degree

A master’s degree is required for almost every position in the healthcare management field. The Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education provides a list of accredited graduate health administration programs. In the past, most students chose the traditional route of a master’s degree in health administration or public health. Today, however, students are investigating […]

Becoming a Legal Nurse Consultant

A legal nurse consultant can be an individual contractor, running an independent business that works with lawyers, government officials, insurance companies, medical risk management teams and forensic professionals. Typical duties include: • Conducting educational sessions for attorneys about medical facts and issues relating to claims • Authoritative review of medical records, other documents and hospital […]

When You Can’t Get to Class, Go Online

People who want higher education but who don`t live near a college or university offering courses they want used to be out of luck. No more. Now it is possible to study almost any subject online. It may require more self-discipline to pursue a degree this way. However, students at online universities can attend classes […]

Becoming a Disaster Management Specialist

In a world where earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, floods, wildfires, droughts, terrorist attacks, civil conflicts, wars and chemical spills have become prevalent, global demand is surging for emergency professionals with the leadership skills to manage complex, crisis situations, and coordinate the many agencies that address emergency situations in order to mitigate the consequences of disasters […]